Marketing & Communication Internship
āļāļĩāđWorkVenture Technologies Co., Ltd.We are looking for smart and passionate interns to help us build an amazing product together. As an Marketing Intern at WorkVenture, you will be working together with our marketing, content and management teams, developing the brand and the product.
The tasks you will be assigned to will be important and exciting. You will have the opportunity to work with a team of young professionals and to develop your skills in variety of fields.
We hope that your internship with us will lead to the forming of long term friendships with colleagues in our team and believe there is a strong opportunity to pursue your career at WorkVenture in the future.
- The Marketing team creates content that moves our users and inspires their careers. The team brings the spirit of joy, authenticity, and sharing of our product to our users, as well as bringing our users' passion, insights, and dreams to our product. Working within the team, the role offers excellent opportunities to develop and utilize skills in marketing, branding and communications.
- The candidate will be working with the team toward building new partnerships, expanding existing relationships and utilizing public relations opportunities to create brand awareness.
- Developing written materials, story pitches, messaging guidelines, press releases, Q&As, presentations and speeches.
- Supporting the team in preparation for press events, public speeches and media engagements.
- Strong communication skills, excellent writing skills and a good visual sense.
- Creativity and resourcefulness in finding new ways to reach users and to establish communication with them.
- Availability for an internship of at least 2 months, 3 months is a plus.
- Previous work experience not required.
( Start within this month. )
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