Digital Marketing Internship - Starting December 2024
āļāļĩāđWorkVenture Technologies Co., Ltd.About Us
WorkVenture is a leading career marketplace dedicated to connecting job seekers in Thailand with companies they love. As an Employer Branding solutions provider and HR consultant, we help millions of candidates find their dream jobs and support forward-thinking companies in attracting top talent.
About the role
We are seeking a motivated Digital Marketing Intern to join our agile team. This is an exciting opportunity to gain hands-on experience in digital marketing and eCommerce within a fast-growing tech company. The internship lasts for 3 months, starting immediately.
- Collaborate with the Brand and eCommerce teams to update and enhance the appearance of our eCommerce platforms, ensuring brand consistency and sales optimization.
- Review and resolve content issues on international websites, utilizing newly created branded content.
- Manage and maintain YouTube channels across multiple countries to ensure a consistent brand image.
- Provide competitive creative intelligence and trend analysis using tools like Facebook Ad Library and Google Trends.
- Work closely with the SEO team to implement best practices on our websites.
- University graduate or in the final year of studies.
- Excellent command of English, both spoken and written.
- Strong proficiency in Excel and other MS Office tools.
- Preferred: Certification in Facebook and/or Google Ads.
Why join us?
Join WorkVenture to gain real-life digital marketing experience in a dynamic and supportive environment. You'll have the chance to work on meaningful projects that make a difference, while developing your skills and growing your career in the ever-evolving digital marketing industry.
- Thong Lor (Panjit Tower, Sukhumvit 55, Sub District Khlong Tun Nua, Sub Area Wattana, Bangkok 10110)
- English (Good)
- Thai (Very Good)
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- Creative Writing
- Analytical Thinking
- Good Communication Skills
- High Responsibilities
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