Customer Solutions Consultant, Infrastructure Modernization Specialist, Google Cloud
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- Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, related technical field, or equivalent practical experience.
- Experience planning infrastructure modernization as a technical consultant, technical pre-sales engineer, or enterprise architect.
- Experience in one of the following: cloud migration, data center migration, disaster recovery, virtualization, application/servers assessment and discovery.
- Experience leading IT strategy discussion/design cloud adoption plans.
Preferred qualifications:
- Master's degree in Computer Science or other technical field.
- Experience as an IT infrastructure consultant or enterprise architect working in data center investment strategies and proposals.
- Experience in networking (i.e., Linux, software-defined networking, network virtualization, open protocols, application acceleration and load balancing, DNS, virtual private networks) and their application to PaaS and IaaS technologies.
- Experience with deployment methodologies and technologies (e.g., CI/CD, Chef, Puppet, Ansible).
- Experience with Windows, Linux system administration, and/or Enterprise applications.
- Knowledge for VMware technology stack (e.g., vSphere, vCenter, ESXi, vSAN etc.) or other technology stack (e.g., Active Directory, Windows Server, etc.).
About the job
The Google Cloud Platform team helps customers transform and build what's next for their business â all with technology built in the cloud. Our products are engineered for security, reliability and scalability, running the full stack from infrastructure to applications to devices and hardware. Our teams are dedicated to helping our customers â developers, small and large businesses, educational institutions and government agencies â see the benefits of our technology come to life. As part of an entrepreneurial team in this rapidly growing business, you will play a key role in understanding the needs of our customers and help shape the future of businesses of all sizes use technology to connect with customers, employees and partners.
As an Infrastructure Modernization Specialist in Google Cloud Customer Engineering team, you will work with the Sales team to introduce Google Cloud to our customers. You will help prospective and existing customers and partners understand the power of Google Cloud, develop creative cloud solutions and architectures to solve their business challenges, and problem-solve any potential technical roadblocks. You will also be part of a diverse team of fellow Googlers working in an environment of respect and inclusion where we promote equal opportunities to succeed.
Google Cloud provides organizations with leading infrastructure, platform capabilities and industry solutions. We deliver enterprise-grade cloud solutions that leverage Googleâs cutting-edge technology to help companies operate more efficiently and adapt to changing needs, giving customers a foundation for the future. Customers in more than 150 countries turn to Google Cloud as their trusted partner to solve their most critical business problems.
- Drive and inspire customers and peers to solve difficult problems with progressive and novel solutions, leveraging a sophisticated set of technical competences.
- Manage the Go-to-Market strategy from technical perspective. Craft the strategy to transform the customers, identify key customer technical objections, and develop a strategy to resolve technical blockers.
- Work hands-on with customers to demonstrate and prototype Google Cloud product integrations in customer/partner environments. Help the Account team to close agreements from technical perspective.
- Recommend migration strategies, enterprise architectures, migration tools, and cloud infrastructure required to successfully implement a complete solution using best practices on Google Cloud. Travel to customer sites, conferences, and other related events as required.
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āļĢāđāļ§āļĄāļāļēāļāļāļąāļāđāļĢāļē: Our engineers use technology to solve some of the worldâs biggest challenges. But you donât have to code to innovate at Google. Googlers across all our teams think big and find creative ways to work better and smarter in all that we do. Weâve always wanted Google to be a place t ...
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