Account Strategist, Google Customer Solutions (English, Thai)
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- Bachelor's degree or equivalent practical experience.
- 3 years of experience in advertising sales and/or branding, marketing, consulting, or e-commerce.
- Ability to speak and write in Thai and English fluently.
Preferred qualifications:
- Experience in structuring and implementing initiatives with sales teams.
- Experience working in Asia or Southeast Asia.
- Experience creating and managing marketing strategies and campaign plannings through to execution.
- Demonstrable experience in sales, client services and business development.
- Ability to work in teams and take on new initiatives.
- Ability to quickly complete large volumes of work with high quality and attention to detail.
About the job
Businesses that partner with Google come in all shapes, sizes and market caps, and no one Google advertising solution works for all. Your knowledge of online media combined with your communication skills and analytical abilities shapes how new and existing business grow. Using your influencing and relationship-building skills, you provide Google-caliber client service, research and market analysis. You anticipate how decisions are made, persistently explore and uncover the business needs of Google's key clients and understand how our range of product offerings can grow their business. Working with them, you set the vision and the strategy for how their advertising can reach thousands of users.
As an Account Strategist, you will be handling clients within the Google Customer Solutions (GCS) portfolio. You will be responsible for optimizing business growth with key clients in Thailand, and driving opportunities for large brands and advertisers. In this role, you'll work in partnership with key clients to understand their strategies and increase their understanding of Google advertising solutions. Additionally, you will provide them with tactical implementation and maintenance support for their Google accounts.
When our millions of advertisers and publishers are happy, so are we! Our Google Customer Solutions (GCS) team of entrepreneurial, enthusiastic and client-focused members are the "human face" of Google, helping entrepreneurs both individually and broadly build their online presence and grow their businesses. We are dedicated to growing the unique needs of advertising companies. Our teams of strategists, analysts, advisers and support specialists collaborate closely to spot and analyze customer needs and trends. In collaboration, we create and implement business plans broadly for all types of businesses.
- Deliver against assigned quarterly goals while prioritizing and delivering an outstanding experience to Google's clients and partners.
- Manage trusted relationships with key stakeholders and advertisers, provide strategic analysis, advice, and consultation to help our partners improve campaign performance and maximize opportunities from their clientsâ advertising investment via consultative approaches.
- Leverage on strategic partnerships to add value to our advertisers' business and grow their accounts.
- Implement creative ways to improve our client and advertiser relationships with a deep understanding of their business challenges, tailor and share performance-enhancing proposals, and promote a range of Google products.
- Communicate effectively with English and Thai-speaking clients.
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āļĢāđāļ§āļĄāļāļēāļāļāļąāļāđāļĢāļē: Our engineers use technology to solve some of the worldâs biggest challenges. But you donât have to code to innovate at Google. Googlers across all our teams think big and find creative ways to work better and smarter in all that we do. Weâve always wanted Google to be a place t ...
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