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review Atmos Bangkok 1

Atmos (Bangkok) Co., Ltd.

Co-Owner - current employee

Work/life balance

Benefits and perks

Career development

Working environment


Added: 2020-04-20

Experience in the company

- Atmos is a leading fashion oriented sneaker store situated at Central World. - Atmos currently has more than 30 shops both in Tokyo and Osaka, as well as its international outlets in New York City and Seoul. Alongside its sneaker and streetwear offerings, atmos also sells its in-house label both in-store and online. - Recently in 2018 atmos has expanded another branch in Bangkok City, Thailand as another international flagship store in Southeast Asia region. Atmos Bangkok is top of the fashion line that can carry more exclusive product. - Working with influencer in promoting the brand

Added: 2020-04-20

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