Average employee rating


100% of employees recommend this company to friends.

Work/life balance

Benefits and perks

Career development

Working environment


review Sofitel Bangkok Sukhumvit 1

Sofitel Bangkok Sukhumvit

Talent And Culture Supervisor - current employee

Work/life balance

Benefits and perks

Career development

Working environment


Added: 2021-06-29

Experience in the company

I am currently working with Sofitel Bangkok Sukhumvit as a Talent and Culture Supervisor. I am responsible for Human Resources Management; such as recruitment, new staff orientation, payroll, activities, and administration. All tasks develop my decision-making and skill that there are improving and increasing by step from my job and year to experiences for developing myself and working job. While perusing your job description, I found that I meet most of the listed requirements. I am taking the liberty of listing your key requirements followed by key features of my career to bring the same to your attention. I have a pleasing personality and excel in both oral and written communication. I enjoy interacting with co-workers or contact person, answering their queries, and making their service experience as comfortable as possible. Thanks to my five years of experience in this position, I am extremely comfortable working high pressure, time management, and job priority.

Added: 2021-06-29

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