What are Company Reviews?

Real reviews by real employees help candidates make better career decisions - leading to more successful hires for you.

Real insights help companies to make better hires and for candidates to find the right companies.


"83% of people say social reviews
of employers impact where they apply."*

* WorkVenture candidate survey 2016

Curated Review Platform

Company reviews are moderated by both human and software verification before being published to maintain Community Guidelines.

After review has been published, Employers have an option to inform of any reviews for further moderation as necessary.

Your WorkVenture Company Page

Manage the content on your Company Page by claiming a free Employer Account.

Describe your culture and upload photos to tell candidates why your company is a great place to work.

Interested in knowing more?

Contact our Customer Service team at 081-650-8156 (9.00 - 17.30) or read more regarding our recruitment and employer branding solutions.

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