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for keyword corporate finance specialist
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apply job PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting 1
apply job PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting 1
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Job type:




  • Develop new skills outside of comfort zone.
  • Act to resolve issues which prevent the team working effectively.
  • Coach others, recognise their strengths, and encourage them to take ownership of their personal development.
6 days ago
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apply job Lotus 2
apply job Lotus 2
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Finance, Research, Industry trends, Thai, English

Job type:




  • Research and assess market trends, earnings prospects, financial statements, and key factors / indicators to determine suitable investment projects across the Group's investment mandates and operating businesses.
  • Monitor potential and current investments along with relevant industry trends and macroeconomic indicators.
  • Compile advisory reports and provide meaningful insights, recommendations, and advice on potential and current investments / businesses.
2 days ago
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